Some Background:

Gradual typing

Type systems that provide capability of controlling degree of static typing by annotating function parameters with types (or not) ([2])


Lightweight form of gradual typing, enforcing types dynamically using assertions

  • Advantageous because you can implement contracts for untyped and typed languages as a library

Positive blame

The subject (function) does not satisfy a contract

Negative blame

The context (caller) does not respect a contract


Example 1: First-Order Contract

f: int[> 9] -> int[0,99]

The contract compiler inserts code to check proper range of arguments and return values.

val rec f = λx. x + 100

If f’s result is not in the proper range, f is blamed itself (positive blame)

f 5

If x is not in the proper range on calling, f’s caller is blamed (negative blame).

Example 2: Higher-Order Functions

Higher-order function

Functions that accept others as arguments or yield functions as results

g: (int[> 9] -> int[0,99]) -> int[0,99]

g accepts int → int functions and must apply them to ints larger than 9, which must return ints between 0 and 99. g should accept functions without explicit contracts (g(λx.50)) and functions whose behavior depends on context. Key point in [3] is that contract checker waits until the higher-order procedure is applied, providing a witness to the contract violation enabling proper assignment of blame.

In [3], they create a Contract Calculus to how types and contracts interact.

sqrt contract


In [4], they combine notion of blame from Findler (see above) with gradual types from Siek and hybrid types from Knowles ([5]).

Alert: don’t ask me about this paper, because I want to read it still.

Intersection and Union Types

Intersection types
  • if a value has type \(S\) and \(T\), it can be assigned the intersection type \(S \cap T\)

  • Useful for encoding overloaded functions (see below), mixins, multiple inheritance

intersection types

Union types
  • a term of type \(S\) or \(T\) may be viewed as having type \(S \cup T\)

  • Useful for encoding uncertain data from branching code

  • A context that wants to use a value of union type \(S \cup T\) must be prepared to deal with both \(S\) and \(T\) because no way to distinguish

union types


When we say "union types" here, we mean "non-disjoint union types", which are different from "disjoint union types."

Disjoint union types are: * sum type: set of values drawn from exactly two given types * variant type: labelled generalization of sums

An Example

function f(x) {
  if (typeof x === 'boolean') {
    if (x) return 'hello world'; else return !x;
  return (x+10);

Here, the function \(f\) has type \(\text{Bool} \rightarrow (\text{String} \cup \text{Bool}) \cap (\text{Int} \rightarrow \text{Int})\).

Why Intersection and Union Types make Blame Hard

Sub-contracts can be violated without implying that a top-level contract was violated (i.e. contract can fail without necessarily causing an error). For example, caller of f can violate domain type in left branch of intersection if they satisfy domain type of right branch.

Their contributions

  1. Extend the untyped lambda calculus with contracts for monitoring higher-order intersection and union types, for the first time giving a uniform treatment to both.

  2. Define blame allocation for intersection and union that supports uniform monitoring rules, stratifying blame allocation into two phases: blame assignment and blame resolution.

  3. Providing a new definition of contract satisfaction in terms of blame behaviour.

Also Read:

[1] J. Williams, J. G. Morris, and P. Wadler, “The Root Cause of Blame: Contracts for Intersection and Union Types,” Proc. ACM Program. Lang., vol. 2, no. OOPSLA, pp. 134:1–134:29, Oct. 2018.

[2] J. G. Siek and W. Taha, “Gradual Typing for Functional Languages,” in In Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop, 2006, pp. 81–92.

[3] R. B. Findler and M. Felleisen, “Contracts for Higher-Order Functions,” in Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2002, pp. 48–59.

[4] P. Wadler and R. B. Findler, “Well-Typed Programs Can’t Be Blamed,” in Programming Languages and Systems, 2009, pp. 1–16.

[5] K. Knowles and C. Flanagan, “Hybrid Type Checking,” ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 6:1–6:34, Feb. 2010.

[6] P. Wadler, “A Complement to Blame,” 2015.

[7] M. Keil and P. Thiemann, “Blame Assignment for Higher-Order Contracts with Intersection and Union,” in Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2015, pp. 375–386.